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(DAY 7) Weather and mood

· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

Observing weather and mood

Temperature, humidity, wind, air quality, sunshine/radiation play a very important role in how I sleep, feel and focus during the day. Observing the extremes in daily life is easier:

  • Winters in Delhi NCR and Gurgaon lower the mood due to the smog and temperature
  • Hot wind (loo) and extreme heat in summers of Rajasthan increase the stress in my body
  • A super cold blast from air conditioners reduces my focus on work

Weather or Seasons by City

Looking back, the weather of Bangalore throughout the year or Springtime in London has been the most satiating weather I have experienced. The reasons are:

  1. Mood is upbeat throughout the day
  2. Productivity per hour is high
  3. Deep work is easier due to higher focus

Ideal City Hopping for me

  1. Spring in London
  2. Summer in Bangalore
  3. Fall in Gurgaon or Dubai
  4. Winter in Jaipur

Bluewaters Bay, Dubai 2019

Bluewaters Bay, Dubai 2019

A unique experience was meditating at Langkawi Sky Bridge - I could feel that the curved cable-stayed bridge vibrates/oscillates ever so slightly.