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(DAY 198) Back from Jordan to India

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

As my Jordanian adventure came to a close, I found myself reflecting on the incredible experiences, mesmerizing sights, and unforgettable flavors that had filled my days in this captivating country. The time had come to bid farewell to the rose-red city of Petra and the warm hospitality of Jordan. I took the flight back from Amman to Delhi via Abu Dhabi with Etihad Airlines.

The Flight Back

My return journey commenced from Amman's Queen Alia International Airport, where I boarded an Etihad Airlines flight bound for Abu Dhabi. I took a break at the Marhaba Plaza Premium Lounge and grabbed a quick bite.

An Unexpected Medical Incident

The leg of my journey from Abu Dhabi to Delhi was eventful in an unexpected way. During the flight, a senior citizen, a 68-year-old gentleman from Bokaro, who happened to be seated right behind me, suddenly lost consciousness. Concerned for his well-being, I immediately alerted the cabin crew and asked for medical assistance. The swift response from the Etihad Airlines staff was commendable. They promptly provided oxygen to the passenger and conducted a thorough medical assessment to determine the cause of his condition. It was a reminder of the importance of well-trained airline staff in handling in-flight medical emergencies.

Tips for Older Passengers on Staying Healthy In-flight

  1. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can exacerbate health issues during flights. Older passengers should drink plenty of water before and during the flight to stay well-hydrated.

  2. Eat Well: It's essential to consume nutritious meals before and during the flight. Avoid heavy, greasy foods that can lead to discomfort.

  3. Medications and Health History: Carry essential medications in your cabin bag, and ensure the cabin crew is aware of any pre-existing medical conditions. It's advisable to have a doctor's note with you if you have specific health concerns.

  4. Exercise in Your Seat: Simple in-seat exercises like ankle circles, knee lifts, and shoulder rolls can improve circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.

  5. Communicate with Cabin Crew: Don't hesitate to communicate with the cabin crew if you feel unwell during the flight. They are trained to handle medical emergencies and can provide immediate assistance.

  6. Travel Insurance: Consider purchasing travel insurance that covers medical emergencies to ensure you have access to necessary healthcare if needed.

As I returned to Delhi, I was greeted by a stunning transformation at the Indira Gandhi International Airport. The airport had undergone a remarkable beautification in preparation for the upcoming G20 summit. Lush greenery, vibrant floral arrangements, and artistic installations adorned the terminals, creating an atmosphere of grandeur and sophistication. The attention to detail was evident in every corner, from the elegant banners welcoming world leaders to the meticulously manicured gardens. It was a testament to India's dedication to hosting international events with grace and style. The airport's newfound splendor served as a fitting introduction to the vibrant and dynamic city of Delhi, leaving a lasting impression on all who passed through its gates.

My journey back from Jordan was filled with reflection on the incredible experiences and memories I had gathered during my trip. The in-flight medical incident served as a reminder of the importance of passenger well-being and the swift response of airline staff during emergencies. Older passengers, in particular, should take precautions, stay hydrated, and be well-prepared for any unexpected health issues while traveling.