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(DAY 98) Swimming recap May-23

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Swimming in May 23

May 2023 was a good month of swimming for me. Despite battling the flu and dealing with the unexpected closure of the pool for maintenance, I managed to push through and complete a total of 22 swimming sessions.

Making the most of limited time

I decided to increase the minimum swim session to 1.5 kms from the earlier minimum of 1 km. So in May 2023, I did 20 sessions of 1.5 kms and 2 sessions of 2 km each.

Swimming in May 2023

It has been a satisfying month with significant growth in my ability to swim.

Swimming (1-May-2023 to 31-May-2023)Stats
Number of Calendar Days31
Number of Sessions22
Total Swim Distance (km)35.88
Total Swim Time (hours)13:30:02
Avg Swim Distance per session (km)1.63
Avg Swim Time per session (hours)0:36:49
Swim Time per km0:22:35

Swimming keeps on teaching me valuable life lessons about resilience, celebrating small victories, and making the most of limited time.

The notable improvement is in both Avg Swim Distance per session (km) and Swim Time per km compared to swimming in the last 3 months (Feb-23 to Apr-23). I hope to improve further in the next 3 months.

Swimming (1-May-2023 to 31-May-2023)