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(DAY 371) The Rising Threat of Cyber Frauds Encroaching via Phone Calls

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

In today's digital age, where connectivity is at its peak, cyber frauds have found a new avenue to exploit unsuspecting individuals – through phone calls. The proliferation of spam calls and messages in India has reached alarming levels, with criminals using various tactics to deceive and defraud innocent victims.

Just aq few days ago, on 25th February 2024, I myself received an innovative automated spam call. The caller (voice recording) claimed that a parcel was stuck at Customs and instructed me to press a button for more details or another button to speak to customer care. The call originated from the number +91-8127126010, although it's highly likely that the perpetrators were using a floating calling number to evade detection.

This incident sheds light on the growing menace of phone scams, where fraudsters attempt to lure individuals into revealing personal information or making financial transactions under false pretenses. What's even more concerning is the sheer volume of such calls and messages inundating our phones on a daily basis.

Financial organizations, in particular, have been identified as significant contributors to the spamming epidemic. While not all of these calls may be fraudulent, the aggressive marketing tactics employed by these institutions often blur the lines between legitimate business practices and deceitful schemes.

Unfortunately, the repercussions of these scams extend far beyond mere inconvenience. Senior citizens and those less technologically savvy are especially vulnerable to falling prey to these fraudulent schemes. Many unsuspecting individuals have been duped into parting with their hard-earned savings, only to realize too late that they have been swindled. Despite the prevalence of these scams, it appears that the administration is struggling to curb the activities of these fraudsters effectively. The lack of stringent regulations and enforcement measures has allowed these criminals to operate with impunity, leaving countless victims in their wake.

As we grapple with this growing threat, it's crucial for the administration to take decisive action to address the root causes of cyber frauds. Stronger regulations and enforcement mechanisms are needed to crack down on fraudulent activities and hold perpetrators accountable for their crimes. The rise of cyber frauds encroaching via phone calls is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. It's imperative for the administration to step up efforts to combat these scams and protect the interests of the public. Only through concerted action can we hope to stem the tide of phone scams and safeguard the integrity of our digital ecosystem.

Update on 29-Feb-2024 - By sheer coincidence, John Oliver has just aired an episode titled Pig Butchering Scams on Last Week Tonight (HBO), shedding light on the prevalent scams in the United States.