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(DAY 20) Everything Everywhere All at Once

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Everything Everywhere All at Once, a metaphysical multiverse comedy, is a powerful movie. Though, I lost focus in between, especially in Part 2 with the fast moving scenes. It is a definite watch, and kind of the movie which grows on to you - the more number of times you watch it. There were moments when I smiled, laughed and was amazed at the sheer direction of the movie.

I watched it on 11th March 2023, roughly 6 months after its release in India, at Worldmark, Gurgaon. It was the last day the movie was screened, alteast in this theatre. On another note, the cinema is 250 metres walking distance from my current home and 50 metres Euclidean distance from my ;living room.


I watch movies with friends or family at a frequency of once every month. It is a good time out of home and the whole experience of watching on a big screen brings in novelty. A few things have changed over time:

  • It has been many years since I have had Popcorn + Cola along with the movie.
  • I always book using Axis Bank Card with BookMyShow - 1 + 1 offer.
  • I think it is one of the bank offers which have stayed top of my mind and possibly the longest I have been using.

Cinemas are a tough business

Cinemas are old guard business in the new world of OTT. Watching a movie in a cinema is a different experience than OTT. Some thoughts:

  • I paid less than a dollar per ticket to watch such a nice movie. The market can be really weird in pricing.
  • The movie has won 7 Oscars out of the 11 nominations.
  • I watched it in a pristine new INOX - it has been less a year since the launch of Inox Worldmark Gurgaon.
  • I certainly feel that INOX did not cover cost in this transaction. Cinema is a tough yet glamourous business.

Everything Everywhere All at Once Ticket 2023