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(DAY 190) Ancient legacies of Amman Jordan

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

A Glimpse of Amman

As the capital of Jordan, Amman stands as a testament to the fascinating layers of history and culture that have shaped this Middle Eastern nation. With its blend of ancient wonders and modern marvels, Amman offers travelers a unique opportunity to step back in time while experiencing the vibrancy of a contemporary metropolis.

Citadel, Amman, 31 August 2023

Amman Citadel - A Timeless Witness

The Amman Citadel, perched atop a hill in the heart of the city, is a living testament to Jordan's rich history. This historic site, also known as Jabal al-Qal'a, has been continuously inhabited for over seven millennia, making it one of the oldest continuously inhabited places on Earth.

Greek Influence: The history of the Amman Citadel traces back to the Bronze Age, but it was during the Hellenistic period that it flourished under Greek rule. The remains of the Hercules Temple and the Umayyad Palace are stark reminders of this era, offering a glimpse into the architectural marvels of the Greeks.

Roman Splendor: The Romans left an indelible mark on the Amman Citadel, evident in structures like the massive Roman theatre. Built to accommodate thousands, this amphitheater was once a hub for entertainment and culture. Today, it's a place where visitors can sit and imagine the grand performances of the past.

Byzantine Grace: The Byzantine period brought further development to the Amman Citadel, as evidenced by the stunning Byzantine Church. Its intricate floor mosaics depict scenes of religious significance, providing a glimpse into the artistic and spiritual life of the time.

Islamic Heritage: The Amman Citadel also holds deep Islamic significance, with the Umayyad Palace being one of the most prominent Islamic architectural structures in the city. The palace's domed audience hall showcases stunning Islamic design.

Citadel Sunset, Amman, 31 August 2023

Roman Theatre

As you explore Amman, the Roman theatre stands as a remarkable relic of antiquity. Built during the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius (138-161 AD), this amphitheater could seat around 6,000 spectators. The Roman theatre reflects the cultural and architectural prowess of the Roman Empire, offering a direct link to the city's past.

Driving in Amman

Navigating the city of Amman by car is an adventure in itself. The city's terrain is characterized by steep climbs and slope downs, making every drive an exciting journey through its undulating landscape. While the hilly terrain can be a challenge, it provides breathtaking views of the city's juxtaposition of history and modernity.

Amman, the capital of Jordan, offers a remarkable blend of ancient treasures and contemporary life. The Amman Citadel and Roman theatre are living testaments to the city's enduring history, from Greek and Roman influences to Byzantine and Islamic heritage. As you navigate the city's winding streets and hills, you can't help but feel the weight of its past, a tangible reminder of the civilizations that have left their mark on this enchanting city. Whether you're exploring ancient ruins or enjoying modern amenities, Amman is a destination that invites you to delve deep into its layered history and vibrant culture.