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(DAY 34) Repose in yourself

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Your soul is imperishable; repose in the self

Repose in yourself

In a Guided Meditation YouTube Video, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar mentions a phrase - Repose in yourself. It has resonated with me and I find it powerful.

I am relatively new to meditation albeit - I can only do 10 minutes of guided meditation without getting distracted or affected by sounds around me. But I enjoy those 10 minutes - they are totally mine and I feel relaxed or deeply relaxed after it. Days when I am deeply relaxed are usually clubbed within a week and symptomatic of lesser stress around work.

Letting go of all the tension around you

We are invariably stressed or tense for one thing or the other. It is human nature and in my experience, a healthy amount of stress, leads to out-performance. For the duration of meditation, letting go of all the tension around the 4 aspects of life - work, personal growth, health and relationship is liberating.

I am alone with myself, my thoughts and nothingness. Coupled with deep breathing, it leads to a feeling of pure bliss and joy. The oneness of your mind and body - brims you with a longing for the moment to never end.