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(DAY 189) Exploring the Heart of the Middle East - Jordan trip begins

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Early tomorrow morning, I start a week long trip to Jordan. I am looking forward to a remarkable experience and immerse myself in a Middle Eastern culture that extends far beyond the glittering skyscrapers of the Dubai & UAE. With its rich history and deep cultural significance, Jordan stands out.

Jordan Pass

The Jordan Pass is a game-changer for travelers seeking convenience and value during their journey. This all-inclusive package not only covers the cost of your visa entry but also grants access to a range of historic and cultural sites across the country. It simplifies the visa process and serves as a gateway to exploring Jordan's treasures.

Why take a Jordan Pass?

  1. Visa Inclusion: The Jordan Pass includes the visa fee, allowing travelers to enter the country without the hassle of obtaining a separate visa.

  2. Access to Attractions: One of the standout features of the Jordan Pass is its inclusion of entry fees to over 40 popular tourist attractions, including Petra, the Amman Citadel, and Jerash.

Itinerary for the coming week

Day 1-2: Exploring Amman and Jerash

My journey begins in the vibrant capital city of Amman, to immerse myself in a blend of ancient history and modern urban life. I plan to wander through bustling markets, savor local cuisine, and explore historical sites like the Amman Citadel. From there, a day trip to Jerash, the well-preserved Roman city, will transport me back in time, as I stroll through the colonnaded streets and marvel at the remarkably preserved ruins.

Day 3: Indulging in the Dead Sea

A day of relaxation awaits me at the Dead Sea. Floating effortlessly in its mineral-rich waters is an experience like no other. I hope to take in the stunning desert landscape as I unwind and enjoy the therapeutic properties of the sea's minerals.

Day 4: Immersion in Wadi Rum

From the tranquility of the Dead Sea, I'll journey to the rugged beauty of Wadi Rum. I'll spend a day exploring the vast desert expanse, known for its unique rock formations and mesmerizing sand dunes. I might choose to take a jeep tour, go sandboarding, or simply revel in the serenity of the desert landscape.

Day 5: Aqaba's Coastal Charms

My adventure takes a coastal turn as I arrive in Aqaba, a city known for its stunning Red Sea coastline. Whether I'm snorkeling, diving, or simply basking in the sun on Aqaba's beaches, I'll be enchanted by the rich marine life and the warm, crystal-clear waters.

Day 6-7: Unveiling the Mysteries of Petra

My journey culminates in the UNESCO World Heritage site of Petra, one of Jordan's most iconic attractions. I'll spend two days exploring the intricate rock-carved architecture, from the famous Treasury to the Monastery. As I wander through the narrow siq, I'll feel the weight of history and marvel at the craftsmanship of this ancient city.