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(DAY 60) Setting up a home

· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

Turning a space into a home

Today, I met Parth and Divya - a lovely warm couple. Parth is my friend from school and a terrific salesperson. We regularly catchup in Gurgaon over chai and today we met over dinner at his newly setup home - an apartment on the 10th floor, overlooking a water fountain. Creating a home that reflects your personality, lifestyle, and values. Like themselves, they have also setup the home tastefully and kudos to Divya & Parth for the work over the last few months.

A house is made of bricks and beams. A home is made of hopes and dreams.

Pizza, Music and Pan

We enjoyed pizzas for dinner, listened to a variety of music genres - Punjabi pop, Punjabi deep house, electronic music from UK. We discussed the recommendation algorithms of Youtube vs Spotify. We ended the evening with a drive nearby and saada pan. A perfect end to a lazy Sunday.