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(DAY 54) Catching up due to stories

· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

Story updates

In this visit to Jaipur, I got connected to several friends and acquaintances due to the habit of posting swimming or exercise stories on Instagram and Whatsapp.

I have not been active on Social Media for year, possibly because of the need of perfection. Since February 2023, I consistently post about my swim in the morning. It is a part of my goal to swim 500 km in 2023 and posting has helped me connect with like-minded friends.


As with most things in life, consistency is key. And I have been consistent in posting the story updates for the last 60 days.

Today, I met two of my acquaintances due to the stories updates. The initial conversation was almost identical - you are already in Jaipur and you did not make a plan to catch up in advance. I saw your story, let's catchup.

Stories were introduced by Instagram in August 2016. They are powerful and consumed by a lot of people. Most people end up consuming content on Social Media, it is quite powerful when you share life updates via Stories. It is a great way to connect with like minded people.