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(DAY 188) Obsidian - A great markdown based notekeeping tool

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

The ability to capture, organize, and retrieve information efficiently is a great edge. Enter Obsidian, a powerful software for notekeeping. With its markdown-based approach and innovative features, I like Obsidian for taking notes, especially when it comes to capturing the essence of interesting conversations and meetings. Obsidian is not just another note-taking app; it's a dynamic knowledge management system that thrives on the concept of interconnected notes. Built on the foundation of markdown language, it encourages simplicity, speed, and clarity. Markdown, a lightweight markup language, allows you to format text without the need for complex formatting tools. This makes note creation a breeze, leaving you to focus on the content itself.

Why Obsidian Stands Out

  1. Interconnected Notes: Obsidian's unique strength lies in its bidirectional linking system. Each note can be linked to other notes, creating a web of interconnected information. This fosters holistic understanding and enables you to trace the evolution of your thoughts.

  2. Graph View: Visual thinkers will appreciate the Graph View feature. It presents your notes as nodes in a graph, revealing the connections between them. This is immensely helpful for grasping the bigger picture and identifying relationships.

  3. Search and Discover: Obsidian's robust search capabilities make retrieving information a breeze. The tool's "backlinking" feature lets you see all the notes that link to a specific note, aiding in comprehensive exploration.

Taking Notes with Obsidian Notes

Taking notes during conversations and meetings is an art, and Obsidian can be your ultimate brush. Here's how:

  • Live Markdown Capture: Obsidian's distraction-free interface allows you to capture the essence of discussions in real-time using markdown. Use headers to separate topics, bullet points for key ideas, and formatting for emphasis.

  • Linking Ideas: In a brainstorming session? Create notes for each idea and link them to a central hub. This makes tracking the progression of ideas and identifying patterns a breeze.

  • Tagging and Summarizing: After the conversation, tag your notes with relevant keywords. This makes searching for specific topics or themes across conversations effortless. Additionally, write a brief summary note linking back to the detailed conversation notes for quick reference.

  • Backlink Exploration: When preparing for follow-up meetings, use Obsidian's backlinking feature to revisit previous discussions related to the topic. This ensures you're well-prepared and can build on previous insights.

But as with most things, note taking is a consistent habit and it takes time for you to perfect it.