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(DAY 78) Audible subscription model

· 4 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Audible usage stats

I have been a member of Audible Premium Plus since March 2019 i.e. 1500+ days or a bit over 51 months. Except a few months, Jan-Feb 2021 and Oct-Dec 2021, I have continued the membership.

I have listened to a total of 29 audio books i.e. only 65% of the credits. I have listed them below monthwise.

1Dec-18Blue Ocean Strategy
2Mar-19Rich Dad Poor Dad
4Jun-19Atomic Habits
5Aug-19Marketing 4.0
6Sep-20The Hard Thing About Hard Things
7Feb-21Let's Build a Company
8Feb-21Life's Amazing Secrets
9Mar-21The Lean Startup
10Apr-21The Startup Owner's Manual
11May-21Tools of Titans
12Jun-21Never Split the Difference
13Jul-21How to Talk to Anyone
14Jul-21The Midnight Library
16Sep-21A Course in Meditation
17Oct-21Make Time
18Nov-21The Dutch House
19Nov-2112 Rules for Life
20Jan-22The School of Life
21Feb-22The Courage to Be Disliked
23Jun-22Advanced Techniques in Day Trading
24Jun-22The Secret of Secrets
27Jan-23No Rules Rules
28Mar-238 Rules of Love
29May-23Working Backwards

Audible membership model

Subscriptions are the only business model that is entirely based on the happiness of your customers. Think about it—when your customers are happy, then they’re using more of your service, and telling their friends, and you’re growing.

Most membership models are structure that the light-users subsidize the power-users. Be it your gym, club of the society or cult fit membership. Audible is no different and structures it via its policies.

Reading through the Audible India Service Conditions of Use, you will realize that:

  • Credit Rollover Limit: Customers can roll over a maximum of 5 credits i.e. next month's credits = max (previous month's credits + 1 - credits used, 6)
  • Any unused credits remaining on your account at the time of cancelation, or when your prepaid period ends, will be lost. We recommend using them first, as any audiobooks you purchase are yours to keep.

My Audible habits

I have observed the following about my usage of Audible:

  • Listening to a book is best done along with a long walk. I can walk for an hour and listen to a book and retain most of it.
  • In Nov 2022, Apple introduced fee on in-app purchases. Post that, you cannot buy books from the Audible iPhone app. It is really painful and annoying.
  • I only use the Audible App on my iPhone and have not tried it out on the TV, Windows (I use the Spotify Desktop app a lot).

Listening to a book is not only just as good as reading it. Sometimes, perhaps even often, it’s better.